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FULL VALET/ large vehicle
Super Valet + Full interior Deep clean + Full interior Protection
4 س 30 د4 س 30 دمكان العميل
200 جنيه إسترليني
200 UK£
وصف الخدمة
4-5 hours Includes: Super Valet + Full interior Deep clean Shampooing and stain removal of the seats, carpet, mats, door linings and roof lining. Cleaning and conditioning of leather seats. + Full Interior Protection All interior materials protected from UV, bacteria and degrading: Carpets, seats, doors, leathers, plastics, vinyl all protected. Includes: Mini Valet + Full car hand polish: to remove minor marks, maintain and extend paint work and give a mirror like shine to your car or Sealant: to provide a deep shine and 1 month of protection to your car
تفاصيل جهة الاتصال
Fikinghax.Ltd, Cuffley Court, Hemel Hempstead, UK
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